Mural in the science center

School of STEAM

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics

Why embrace STEAM at SFU?

无论你的兴趣在哪里,亚洲博彩都相信能帮助每一个学生发展自己的 mind for exploration.


博彩平台蒸汽学院的毕业生应对挑战,抓住机遇. 他们是富有同情心、负责任、积极进取和自信的公民,他们:


  • Think critically and creatively

  • Respect life

  • Cherish continued learning

  • Promote moral, spiritual, and social development

  • 实践适当的个人和职业道德行为

  • Communicate clearly in writing and speaking

  • Work effectively in teams

  • Leverage technology responsibly

  • 认识到他们对家庭、社区、国家和世界的责任

belltower illustration



belltower illustration


belltower illustration



Why Saint Francis?

Tackle your future with confidence.

亚洲博彩的综合方法产生了有成就的专业人士,他们考虑亚洲博彩社会的复杂维度-美学, culture, economics, the environment, history, mathematics, morality, politics, science, society, and technology.

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Guiding Principles within STEAM:

  • 本科生研究、实习和其他体验式学习机会
  • 实际项目实地考察,服务项目,社区参与活动
  • leadership and mentorship experiences, membership in professional societies, presenting at professional conferences
  • 跨学科的学习、项目和活动
close up image of iron gates into gardens

A personalized approach to learning and leading

亚洲博彩的教师在获得外部资金以加强本科STEAM教育方面非常成功, both in the classroom and in the laboratory.



Dr. Peter Skoner
Dean, School of STEAM


P: 814.472.3085


View All Faculty


Opportunities for growth. Support for your passion.

亚洲博彩的STEAM学院早在大一就为学生提供了进行研究的机会. 亚洲博彩的学生通过科学日等拓展活动来练习他们的新技能, Multicultural Week, Darwin Day,  Rural Outreach Chemistry for Kids (R.O.C.K.), PA统计海报比赛,圆周率日,以及更多. Many students also take part in study abroad programs and immersive learning experiences.


Mural in the science center

STEAM by the Numbers

407,120 STEAM教职员工在2020-2021学年获得的外部赠款为美元
5,627 friends in the community engaged in 193 2020-2021学年的STEAM活动
353 在2021年秋季学期注册STEAM课程的学生
54 教师挑战、支持和指导学生
21 学生在2021年夏天完成了STEAM本科研究, while being paid minimum wage, 提供免费住宿和膳食计划,由大学和学校资助
17 students on average in each STEAM class, to ensure students are engaged and involved, able to ask and answer questions
7 每个教员的学生数(学生与教员的比例), ensuring students get individual attention



一座古老的石墙上挂着一个戴着兜帽的虔诚的圣弗朗西斯凝视着天堂. 稀疏装饰的针叶树在阳光下发出绿光.

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History & Political Science Department | 04/23/2024
Approximately 200 people participated, including SFU students, alumni, faculty, administrators, and staff. 来自当地大学的学生也参加了活动,SFU上进项目的高中生也发挥了重要作用.

Connors Family Fine Arts Center Unveiled

University Communications & Marketing | 04/19/2024
The Connors Family Fine Arts Center on 181 St. Catherine Street, Loretto, Pa.在2024年4月18日的祝福和奉献仪式上,它正式开放. This new 15,000平方英尺的空间设施是莱辛斯基黑盒子剧院和大学视觉艺术的所在地, 音乐, and marching band programs.


Joseph A. Melusky, Ph.D. | 04/17/2024
SFU的模拟大会每四年为目前离开白宫的政党举行一次. 这些模拟大会从1960年开始举行, 它们已经成为博彩平台校园里的一项传统.


科莱特·科斯特洛,吟游诗人特约撰稿人| 2024年2月26日

Printing with a Purpose

University Communications & Marketing | 01/23/2024
一个空塑料瓶开启了博彩平台生物学/医学预科专业三名学生的意外之旅. 他们对免费灯丝用于个人3d打印机的追求已经发展成为真正非凡的东西.

Tapestries 2023 Winners

The 2023 digital edition of Tapestries, 圣方济各大学的文学与视觉艺术杂志.

30th Annual STEAM Day in the Books

Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 11/21/2023
该大学举办了第30届年度STEAM日,有33所当地高中参加, 51 high school teachers, 创纪录的481名高中生出勤率.

13th Annual Student Research Day Held

Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 11/09/2023
11月9日,来自各个专业的学生在博彩平台第十三届年度学生研究日上展示了他们目前的项目, 2023. 这个一年一度的活动庆祝学生在校园进行的研究项目,并让大学社区熟悉SFU学生所做的独特而有趣的工作.

英语系出席2023年Rachel Carson会议

University Communications & Marketing | 11/01/2023
On October 21, 2023, four English faculty—Drs. Lisa Beiswenger, Timothy Bintrim, Brennan Thomas, 还有约翰·沃兹纳克,还有五个英语专业的学生——艾弗里·伯尼埃-卢卡斯, Colette Costlow, MJ Dugery, Michael Hickey, 艾琳·派尔介绍了文学方面的学术研究, environmental, 以及2023年雷切尔·卡森会议上的媒体研究, hosted by Chatham University.